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CV and events




Rapport: Contract for book project - PDF

Sneha Das. (Bio)-markers and AI in Voice Disorders (Parkinson’s Disease): Opportunities and Challenges. 20th of May - PDF

Draft Book Project (Voice Related Biomarker Committee). - PDF

Mieke Moerman's Presentation. Voice related biomarkers. Zagreb. 23rd of May - PDF - Presentation

Mail from Mieke Moerman. "report last meeting on March, 11th" - PDF

Protocol - Voice related biomarkers for glottal closure. PDF - docx

Voice Handicap Index ENG - glottal closure items. PDF - doc

Committee Meeting Report. 11th of Mar 2024. PDF

Webinar committee meeting. 11th of Mar. Alku's presentation of inverse filtering (TBA) - Abstract - PDF

Mieke's conclusion for voice as biomarkers. 11th of Mar.:
















Mette Pedersen. WP4: Reports & Publications. 15th of Jan. - pdf

Mieke Moerman. Agenda. 15th of Jan. - pdf

Ramón Hernández-Villoria. CMC: Proposal for construction of the study model for the generation of a pre-clinical PD screening. 15th of Jan. - pdf - Abstract


Alberto Paderno. AI-enhanced voice analysis for neurologic diseases. Webinar in the Biomarkers Committee 7th of Nov. (video) 2023:

Mette Pedersen. Abstract Literature Overview of Voice Parameters in Parkinson’s Disease for Use as Biomarkers. UEP Monthly Letter, 17th of Oct. - pdf

Mette Pedersen, Vitus Girelli Meiner. Overview of Voice Parameters in Parkinson's Disease eventually usable as biomarkers. Webinar in the Biomarkers Committee, 6th of Sep. 2023 in English pdf - Library search 1, library search 2

Mieke Moerman. Voice in Biomarkers. Introductory Meeting. Committee on biomarkers in Phoniatrics. Webinar in the Biomarkers Committee, 21st of Jun. 2023 - pdf

Subcommittee UEP

Report committee meeting, 7th of Nov. 2023 - pdf

opean Pass - CV

Springer Correspondants
Application for book publication (2023) - pdf

Sub committee.PNG
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